September 1, 2015
Dear Colleague,
On this webpage you will find information to request the revised campus climate survey developed by the Administrator-Researcher Campus Climate Collaborative (ARC3). This survey is the result of ongoing efforts by student and legal affairs professionals, campus advocates, students, campus law enforcement, and sexual assault and harassment researchers, groups of whom met in Atlanta, Georgia in October 2014 for the Georgia State University Forum on Campus Sexual Assault and in February 2015 in Madison, Wisconsin for the Madison Summit on Campus Climate and Sexual Misconduct.
The survey is organized into modules that will provide campuses with the flexibility in survey length and content they have indicated they need. The module order is intentional, and it is based on our collective experience with survey and institutional research. The survey was pretested during the summer of 2015 with over 2,200 students attending 1 of 4 universities across the US. The full survey takes students an average of 30 minutes to complete; students who report experiencing sexual misconduct only take an additional 1 minute to complete the full survey, on average. Additionally available at are (1) technical documents, which contain module summaries, scoring information, reliability estimates, and references for each measure adapted for the survey; (2) a series of documents containing guidance for implementing a campus climate survey; and (3) a Qualtrics version of the survey that can be imported to any Qualtrics account. This survey is based upon a set of guiding principles that emerged from the Georgia State Forum and the Madison Summit, which are shared on page 2 of the survey document.
The Georgia State Forum was supported by funding from Georgia State University’s Department of Psychology, Division of Student Affairs, Human Resources Administration, and Office of Research and Economic Development. The Madison Summit was made possible by a generous donation from the firm of Galarnyk and Associates, Ltd. to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, for the purpose of combatting sexual violence and harassment. Please see the list of contributors on page 3 of the survey document and address correspondence to [email protected].
For more information see Guiding Principles and Conducting a Survey